Sunday, July 28, 2019

Back pain treatment at home

Nothing can make you feel old vulnerable more quickly than a seemingly and out-of-the-blue bad back. And if you know the feeling, it's probably little comfort that four out of five adults will at some timeshare it.

Yet, only a small percentage of back problems are truly serious. Eighty percent of all lower back pain is a simple muscle strain. Even more important: Such pain almost always develops gradually - meaning the moment your back "goes out" is the end result, not the cause. And the cause, more often than not, is years and years of bad back habits.

So, what can you do to buck the odds? That's what's coming up in the next few pages - a ten-minute, ten-move formula to prevent a back problem from ever developing. A little daily back attention at home, at work, in workouts can keep your back young for a long, long time.

A healthy backstay that way from a supporting cast of strong and flexible muscles. That's why this simple routine zeroes in key back-stabilizing muscles in the torso and legs. It specifically stretches the flexors, the muscles in the front of the body that tends to get tight and short, and strengthens the extensors, the muscles in the back that tend to be underused and weak, as well as the spine-supporting abdominals.

Results: a trimmer middle and straighter posture as well as backache prevention and relief.

You'll need enough space to lie down in, an exercise mat or soft surface, a small towel, along cord or belt - and ten minutes a day.

LOW-BACK LOOSENER: Lie down on your back with right leg straight. Holding your left knee toward the chest with the hands-on back of the thigh. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on another side.

SIDE-OF-HIP STRETCH: Lie down on your back with right leg straight out on the floor. Bend left leg up toward the chest. Grasp left knee with both hands and pull the leg up and across the body toward the right shoulder. Feel stretch on outside of the left hip. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on another side.

FRONT-OF-BODY LENGTHENER: Lie down on stomach with hands under shoulders, and elbows bent. Push up to slowly raise shoulders/chest straightening arms as much as possible while keeping hips in contact with mat/floor. Hold for ten seconds, and remember to breathe.

FRONT-OF-HIP STRETCH: Kneel down on a towel with left knee and place both hands on the right thigh and bent in front of you. Keeping back straight, shift hips forward until you feel a stretch in front of the upper left thigh. Don't let right knee bend past right foot. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat with another leg.

BACK-OF-THIGH UNTIGHTENER: Lie down on your back. Place a rolled-up towel under your lower back. Keep legs straight. Place cord or belt around the heel of the right leg and slowly lift straight leg until you feel stretch in the back of the thigh. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat with another leg.

LOWER-BACK STRENGTHENING: Lie down on the back with heels close to the buttock. And gently lift buttocks and lower back off the floor until thighs and back are in a straight line. Hold for ten seconds, and remember to breathe.

ABDOMINAL FIRMER: Lie down on the back with knees bent and heels close to buttocks. Reach hands between thighs. Exhaling, gently curl your head and shoulders up until shoulder blades leave the floor. Hold for ten seconds.

WAIST SHAPER: Lie down on the left side with legs bent at hips and knees. Lift head shoulder up until left shoulder leaves the floor. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on another side.

WHOLE-BACK STRENGTHENER: Lie face-down, arms along sides. Exhale and gently lift shoulders and chest off mat/floor. Hold for ten seconds, and remember to breathe.

LOWER-BACK RELEASER: Lie down on the back with knees bent, heels close to buttocks, shoulders flat and arms stretched out to sides. Slowly lower your knees to left, and gently twist hips and lower back. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on another side.

pregnancy tips

To have a good pregnancy we not only have to look at physical health. Being healthy is fundamental in these moments, but also be mentally calm, prepared and happy. That is why we are going to give ten keys to a healthy and happy pregnancy, in which the mind and body combine in harmony to welcome a new member into our lives.

Eat and drink healthy during pregnancy

The diet has to be varied and balanced. The important thing is to take foods rich in nutrients and vitamins such as folic acid, iron, calcium, and iodine, but not in fats. The diet must be varied based on vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, and legumes, without forgetting the daily contribution of meat and fish proteins.

A healthy diet includes maintaining correct hydration. Drinking enough water and milk to give us calcium is essential. We can also take juices, better natural and not sugary. Of course, let's forget about alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Take the recommended vitamin supplements

To complement a healthy diet the doctor will recommend certain vitamin supplements that include folic acid, along with other vitamin and mineral supplements also beneficial for pregnancy care, such as iron, iodine, calcium... In this way we help the fetus to develop properly, avoiding deficiencies that they could cause complications for both the baby and the mother.

Perform exercise during pregnancy

For our well-being and an ideal weight gain, it is fundamental to perform physical exercise appropriate to our state. Whether swimming, yoga, walking, the Pilates method...

By performing a moderate and constant exercise we will improve our cardiovascular and muscular condition and favor postural correction. All this will provide the pregnant woman with a better general physical condition and will allow her to face the work of pregnancy and childbirth with fewer risks.

Go to medical visits

Regularly visit the gynecologist to do the corresponding tests and obtain adequate prenatal care. This way we will monitor both the health of the baby and ours, having the possibility of consulting the specialist all our doubts and fears, as well as talking about our delivery plan. The prenatal tests will give us peace of mind, they will help us to "get closer" to the baby and with the ultrasound, we will have their first images for the memory.

Wear appropriate clothes

We must wear comfortable clothing (including shoes), appropriate to the increase in weight and volume we experience. This will help the blood circulate better, our movements are correct and not forced and the skin stays healthy. It's not about being dressed like bags of potatoes, since fortunately being pregnant is no longer at odds with going fashion, and many stores sell beautiful pre-mama clothes. The heels can wait but feel comfortable and beautiful with a nice "wrap" favors psychic well-being important at this time.

Pampering our mind during pregnancy

If we dedicate time to take care of our body, we must also save time for our relaxation and the care of our mind. Not only is the body more vulnerable during pregnancy. Finding our tranquility and doing relaxation exercises at home will help us feel better. We do not have to park the activities that we like going to the movies, reading, going out to the country, crafts...

Take care of our skin

During pregnancy, it is essential to apply sunscreen creams to prevent skin spots and burns. Due to the action of hormones, the skin of the pregnant woman suffers alterations such as hyperpigmentation. Also, unrestrictive creams are important, which prevent the appearance of these scars with the stretching of our skin, with special attention during the final months, when the skin stretches at a very fast rate.

Hydrating the whole body after a bath or shower gives us a moment of relaxation. Gentle massage after exercise helps us feel better. Of course, external hydration must be complemented with internal hydration, drinking plenty of fluids, as we have already mentioned in the section on nutrition. Everything combined will increase our well-being by feeling more careful and beautiful.

A good rest during pregnancy

Sleeping and resting what the body asks of us is very important. Fatigue and sleep can accompany us from the first moment as one of the first symptoms of pregnancy and hopefully will disappear. But it is more than likely that we will feel very tired and sleepy again in the final phase of pregnancy. It is what the body needs, and we must listen to it, resting as much as possible, without forgetting that moderate exercise will make us rest and sleep better.

Childbirth classes

Attending childbirth classes can be very beneficial for both our physical and mental health. Relating to other pregnant women and sharing experiences opens our mind to discover that we are not the only ones who have doubts or fears.

They also help us to acquire knowledge and awareness about the changes in our body, knowing concepts about the phases of childbirth, baby hygiene or breastfeeding will help us feel more prepared for the changes that lie ahead. Through knowledge, an important self-confidence is generated thanks to security, and being a father begins to live already. As much as possible, it is good to share these classes accompanied by the couple.

Communicate with the baby

Talking to the baby, communicating with him, playing music, will make him feel closer, preparing us for the moment in which he really reaches our arms. Know how your evolution is going on month by month, how it is growing in our womb, write a letter, keep a diary of our pregnancy, respond to your kicks...

All these simple activities will achieve that the life that is gestated in our womb will fill more life to us. The possible discomforts of our pregnancy are forgotten in these moments of communication.

Do not forget, to have a healthy pregnancy requires a happy pregnancy. We have to take care of mind and body in this delicate stage of our life, full of emotions and sometimes contradictory sensations. I hope that these tips to achieve a healthy and happy pregnancy encourage you to face this stage of your lives with an optimistic and full of vitality.

The Benefits of a Morning Walk

Statement of the Day - "It is constantly savvy to quit wanting for things long enough to appreciate the scent of those now streaming." - Patrice Gifford

Morning strolls can enable you to concentrate on the integrity of life. Whenever, not on the off chance that, you go for a morning stroll don't tune in to music. Set aside some effort to see, smell, and contact the world. Achievement is currently. Achievement is delighted in at the time. Try not to hold up until you achieve some proposed objective so as to appreciate life. Appreciate the accomplishment of going for a stroll toward the beginning of the day.

Strolling is considered to perhaps the best type of activity. I want to go for a long walk in the mornings. I don't generally have room schedule-wise to do this yet when I do get time to complete a morning walk it is extraordinary.

The advantages of strolling are colossal. While you walk you can ask, analyze your objectives, and let every one of the stresses of life float into the morning sun. Alright, if the sun isn't sparkling given them a chance to float into the mists. I realize you get my point.

Morning strolls or strolls at whenever of the day are restorative and gives you the vitality you have to kick the stay off. You can stretch out those muscles, shed a couple of pounds, and tune in to the fowls make a little clamor.

The advantages of going for a stroll each morning are huge. Research has demonstrated that activity toward the beginning of the day is more valuable than some other time. The procedure of activity jump-starts the system, lungs growing, and synthetics traveling all through the body. The outcome is more vitality during the day. Sounds like an arrangement to me since I need more vitality to achieve my objectives.

Make sure to make this trek agreeable. Don't simply concentrate exclusively on the activity part of the walk. Concentrate on the psychological and profound advantages as you work out. You should figure out how to appreciate life. I am conversing with myself at this moment. I should figure out how to appreciate life. Life is nevertheless a passing minute. Life resembles a vapor it is here then it is no more. Along these lines, stop and go for a morning stroll today.

This will be the best day of your life so appreciate the procedure of accomplishment.

On the off chance that you are experiencing difficult occasions right presently recall this also will pass.

God favor you any place you are today and make sure to set aside some effort to do your morning strolls.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to Overcome Depression And Lead A Happy Life

Experiencing melancholy can be an excruciating and unfortunate experience. Your entire life may flip around. Your standpoint of life will turn out to be exceptionally negative and it is hard to experience life like this. So you should attempt to figure out how to beat despondency and begin having a superior existence. 

Here are straightforward strides regardless in the event that you need to truly realize how to defeat wretchedness forever. You need to perseveringly pursue these means: 

1. Change Your Outlook - People experiencing gloom as a rule center around the pessimistic side of things. They imagine a distressing and miserable future for themselves or others. Changing your viewpoint isn't simple yet must be done on the off chance that you need to conquer melancholy. 

A significant hint is to quit concentrating on what turned out badly previously. Considering your past will just make you more troubled and progressively discouraged. Begin contemplating what you might want your future to be. What are the things you might want to occur in your life which will fulfill you? Consider such things. Notice that this sort of reasoning is not the same as wandering off in fantasy land or unrealistic reasoning. 

2. Try not to Blame Yourself for Everything - Sure, you may have committed a few errors before. In any case, quit censuring yourself for everything that turned out badly. Individuals with despondency censure themselves for being feeble or incapable to adapt and so forth. Quit attempting to discover every one of the errors you made. Figure out how to acknowledge your deficiencies without concentrating a lot on them. Acknowledge the way that no one is flawless and you also had deficiencies and committed errors before - no whoop dee doo! 

3. Enjoy Activities that Make You Feel Good - Depression can cause you to overlook the fun and delight of living. You don't discover delight in anything. So a significant advance to defeat sadness is to bring back sentiments of delight and fun into your life once more. 

Consider exercises that you appreciate doing. It could be perusing, cooking, perusing the web, investing energy with a dear companion, going out for a walk, sitting in a nursery and so on. Discover a movement which you have a sense of security doing and which does not tire or exhaust you. Discover an action which makes you feel loose and even expedites a grin your lips. 

When you distinguish a couple of such exercises, make a promise to enjoy those exercises for at any rate 30 minutes ordinarily as a matter of course. From the outset, this may appear to be silly. Be that as it may, endure with this and notice the distinction in your emotions and conduct. Try not to stress if the action appears to be senseless or very little enjoyable to other people.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to lose weight naturally

Over millions of people are overweight or obese. Obesity is a serious problem and is predicted to reach epidemic levels by the year 2030. Here are some of the diseases you are putting yourself in the of:

1. hypertension 
2. diabetes 
3. heart disease 
4. stroke 
5. cancer 
6. arthritis

To help you avoid the health risks of being overweight or obese I am presenting some tips on losing those unwanted pounds.

The closer you are to your ideal weight the more you reduce your risk of contracting these diseases. There have been many quick weight loss methods over the years, unfortunately, they do not provide lasting results, in fact, some of them have proven harmful. Usually, it plans which involve dietary drinks, diet pills, special supplements or dietary foods do not work. The results are temporary. You are better off implementing a healthy weight loss plan for lifetime success. You set long term realistic goals and plan on losing weight over the long term.

Here are 8 tips to help you along with a weight loss plan:

1. No starving yourself.

You have to fuel your body with the nutrients that it needs. You need to eat the right foods not smaller amounts of fat-laden junk food. By not eating healthy food your body stores the fat that comes in and burns the nutrients that are stored in your body.

2. Eat breakfast.

Eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism so that you become a fat-burning machine. You follow this by -

3. Eat small, healthy meals all day.

Five small, healthy meals a day has two bonuses, keeping you from overeating and increasing your metabolism which allows you to burn more calories.

4. Drink water.

Drink at least eight glasses of water each and every day. This will keep your cells hydrated and aid your metabolism in burning fat. Your body requires water to burn fat. In addition, our kidneys will be able to flush toxins out.

5. Avoid sugar.

Sugars are nothing but empty calories producing nothing except longterm health issues and fat storage on your body. If you must have carbs go for rice, pasta or bread and please leave alone the sweets, sodas, and cakes.

6. Set weight loss goals.

Plan on eating and living healthy. Choose a healthy weight loss plan and stick with it. Remember this is for the long term.

7. Minimize fats.

Keep fats to a minimal level. Yes, ou needs some fats in your daily eating regime. Fats such as Omega-3 for example. Fats do help your body function just remember to limit their intake.

8. Exercise.

A long term exercise program is a must for permanent weight loss. If you don't exercise now then start with simple walking. Park in the far end of the parking lot for example. But please start some sort of exercise.

We all struggle with controlling our weight, so you are not alone here. Just remember there are no quick weight loss methods that work. Follow the tips outlined above, find a healthy weight loss plan and you will be on your way to a fit and trim life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Power Of Yoga

The word yoga stands for the symbol of "union". In Sanskrit, yoga is the meaning of "to join." The real meaning of yoga is not about doing the physical activity it is the process of combining the soul with activity. Behind yoga, one can find the spiritual strength of the individual. The root of yoga has begun in the first millennium BCE. Gradually the benefit of yoga came to across. Another word for yoga is "the yoke."

The power of Yoga:

The combination of both physical and mental activity in order to reach the inner soul by producing some amount of energy is the real meaning of Yoga. One should have to know the power of Yoga.

Let's look at the benefits of Yoga.

1. To get a better body image: Focusing inward while doing yoga will help you get a better structure to the body.

2. Mindful eating: You will get an advantage of feeling on what you eat.

3. Heart benefits: By doing yoga regularly can help to lower blood pleasure and cholesterol.

4. Weight control: yoga is the best action to perform to lose weight.

5. Overall fitness: Practicing yoga several times a week will help to maintain the overall fitness very well.

Usually, the more you perform the more you get. Yoga includes other assets.

... Will help to calm your mind and trains body.
... Yoga fits for everyone and yoga doesn't need any special equipment.
... Improved sleep, digestion.
... Increases flexibility, muscle strength, and blood flow.
... Balanced metabolism, help you focus, and strengthened bones.
The spiritual types of yoga:

Law of pure potentiality:

Knowing who we give us the capacity to fulfill any dream we have. When we are in conformity with nature, we develop a bond between our ambitions and the strength realize these desires.

Law of giving and receiving:

The law of receiving is equaled by the law of giving. In the universe, everything is operated through dynamic exchange. We don't have a right to stop the flow of nature.

Law of karma:

If you can joyfully involve yourself in any activity, that is karma. If you do it with great effort, only karma will come, not yoga will happen.

Law of least effort:

You can most simply accomplish your craving when your actions are driven by love, and when you exhaust the least achievement by contributing no struggle. In this way, you strike into the limitless organizing capacity of the universe to do less and attain everything.

Law of intention and desire:

The entire universe is a mixture of energy and information. They both exist in everywhere. The quality of importance in every intention and desire is the tool for its fulfillment.

Law of Dharma:

Everyone in this world has a dharma to do in a lifetime. By showing your unique talents and specialties to the others, you will get unlimited love, abundance, trust and real fulfillment in your life.

Law of Detachment:

The law of detachment states that in order to drive anything in the physical universe, you must surrender out the connection to it.

In this world, Yoga is a powerful tool to attain the strength of spirituality.

Friday, July 19, 2019

7 Rules For The success

Everyone wants to achieve the highest level of success. However, reaching that desired level of success is not as easy as most of us perceive. To be successful, you have to sacrifice and forego the majority of life's pleasures. Below is a list of seven guaranteed ways to be successful in life.

1. Do what you love

Unfortunately, most of us end up settling for jobs or careers that do not offer maximum satisfaction. Put simply, it is important to understand your passion and pursue it with all your energy and resources. The greatest regret held by a majority of the elderly is settling for what they did not love. To avoid having regrets on most of your early life decisions, be sure to pursue your passion. Doing what you love will ensure you remain passionate and highly motivated in your day to day activities regardless of the income. Be sure to discover your true purpose and work hard to achieve your goals.

2. Identify with a successful individual 

As you look to achieve your dreams and initially set goals, ensure you remember that success has no secret recipe. It is advisable to identify with a successful person in your field of interest and do whatever your mentor does to achieve his or her level of success. Once you have a role model or a mentor you associate with, it becomes easier to emulate the positive traits while learning from your mentor`s mistakes. Pick up the positive habits and ensure you avoid the mistakes made by your role model. By emulating a successful person, you increase your chances of succeeding exponentially.

3. Anticipate failure of disappointment

Good things never come easy, and if they do, then they probably won't last. Do not anticipate a smooth sailing in your journey to success. Instead, be ready to pick yourself up whenever you experience failure or disappointment. After all, successful people are characterized by their ability to remain hopeful even in their greatest disappointments. Therefore, regardless of how many times you fail, ensure you remain optimistic and confident in your ability to succeed.

4. Practice makes perfect

No one can succeed without commitment and adequate practice. To achieve the highest level of success in your respective field, it is necessary to take your time to practice until your skills become flawless. Contrary to popular belief, success is attained by maintaining a high level of consistency. Thus, to enjoy success, you must be willing to put time into strengthening your skills through constant practice.

5. Plan

Unfortunately, most of us assume that success happens overnight. However, success more often than not occurs as a result of adequate planning and organization. To achieve your set goals and targets, it is crucial to have a plan that will act as a guide. Successful people know what to do and when to do things; they just don't go about doing everything simultaneously. As a result, be sure to take your time and adequately plan for all your milestones. Set a schedule and observe it to the latter. Once you have a plan in place, it will be possible to measure your progress and consequently ensure that everything goes according to plan.

6. Be true to yourself

As you embark on your journey to success, it is necessary to understand that the biggest obstacle to success is yourself. Procrastination never helps; in fact, all it does is rob you of the time that you would otherwise utilize to achieve your goals. Therefore, ensure you are hard on yourself. That is, avoid procrastinating or letting yourself off the hook whenever you lack the motivation to do an important activity. Without self-discipline, it is impossible to achieve your set goals.

7. Enjoy the journey

Always keep in mind that everyone has an independent journey and purpose. Avoid comparing yourself to others as aimless comparisons can derail your development. Be patient and ensure you reward yourself every time you achieve your goals or initially set milestones. Indeed, it is only through self-love and appreciation that you can achieve the highest level of success. As such, give yourself treats and rewards that match your achievements. Remember, if you do not appreciate your achievements, no matter how small, then no one else will.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Loving Indian Street Food

If you have ever been to India, you know that eating out on the streets will be a treat to your taste buds. Street food is a passion in India. It is common to find groups of friends and families going out for their daily dose of street food during evenings on Indian roads. The hygiene may not be the topmost priority for the street food vendors, but taste surely is. Cheap and tasty food is what you get when you eat out on the streets. Here are a few of the well-loved street foods available in the country.
1. Chaat: Now this is a street food specialty that is popular throughout the length and breadth of the country. The 'chaat' is available in a huge number of varieties according to the location it is found in. Golgappas, Alu Chaat, Papri Chaat, Dahi Bhalla, Faluda and Panipuri are just a few of the chaats found here. Each region has its own specialties. While Calcutta is
famous for its Phuchka and Jhaalmuri, Delhi is famous for its Alu and Chana Chat. Most people will usually have their favorite places for a quick chaat in their neighborhood where they will go down to almost every evening for a snack!

2. Dosa:

 The dosa is something that one can find in almost every part of the world these days but it is actually a very healthy south Indian dish. Because of the easy availability of rice everywhere, one can find dosa-makers in every region. Dosa is something that is easy to prepare in roadside stalls. It is healthy, filling and quick to eat, making it ever-popular street food.
3. Pav:

 Now the 'pav' is something that means a lot of things in India. It may be used to denote a piece of bread, or it may mean dishes like the Pav Bhaji or Vada Pav. All the dishes use bread drenched in a lot of butter and are very popular foods in the western part of the country. Bombay has its share of pav-aficionados with most people going down for an evening at a beach and eating their favorite street foods there.
4. Rolls: 
The word 'roll' may not be something that evokes a lot of culinary excitement in people's hearts, but it is definitely a favorite street food of the country. There are a variety of rolls available here. A roll is actually a slice of meat or vegetable filling stuffed into a piece of Indian 'Paratha'. Kolkata is the place where the roll originated and it has an array of amazing varieties available on its streets. There is the Chicken Roll, the Egg Roll, the Chicken Tikka Roll, the Vegetable Roll, the Paneer Roll, and so no. Take your pick!
5. Indian Chinese:

 This is a street food specialty that will not be found in China. ''Indian Chinese' is a creation of Indians and we can only say that it is delicious. You can find Chowmein, Chinese Fried Rice and Chilli Chicken in every street corner of the country which bears no resemblance to actual Chinese dishes!

Flood:An unexpected disaster

Flooding is something that every country in the world is familiar with. This is why basic flood survival should be known by everyone. Indeed, it has been a problem that we keep on seeing close to us, or in some far off place. We see a lot of news on flooding disasters that have claimed lives and property. Due to the hydrological cycle, we can't seem to get rid of all of the water as it is being recycled through rain, evaporation, and storms.

That doesn't mean we just have to succumb to the disaster. Ironically, flooding is one of the disasters that are easiest to manage, given a proper disaster preparedness program.

Floods can be classified into two categories; the regular flood from sustained rainfall over long periods of time and the flash flood. The regular flood is what we normally encounter. It happens
when heavy rains run for a long duration. The excess water that cannot be readily accommodated by the soil or storm drains causes the flooding. It steadily rises until it reaches disaster levels.

The second type of flood, the flash flood is more dangerous than regular floods. The fast rate at which the water level rises leaves people no time for safety measures. Some flash floods could happen in just minutes, catching people off guard. Flash floods happen in typhoons bearing heavy rains. During these times, it is advisable to

always have at least one member of the family awake and monitor the water level during the night. You can always catch up on sleep later. Flash floods have been reputed to reach areas where no flooding has ever happened.

Safety Measures During Floods

Minor flooding can be a nuisance. It destroys property and the cleanup process is extremely tiresome. Major floods are disastrous. They can claim lives and cause immense damage to property. If you are planning to buy a house or relocate to a new neighborhood, it would be prudent to ask around the area about their flooding experiences.

As much as possible, stay away from areas they have been flooded before. It doesn't matter if the last flood occurred five or ten years ago, the fact that it has been flooded before indicates that it can be flooded again. The flooding indicates its low geographical topography and it's only a matter of time before another flooding occurs.

Unless there have been significant preventive measures implemented to prevent flash floods as well as regular flooding, you cannot safely conclude that flooding won't occur in the neighborhood again.

If you are living in a multi-story house, move important items like documents and fragile personal effects to the upper floors during heavy rains and storms. If possible, move all non-washable items like sofas and mattresses off the first floor.

Avoid driving through a flooded area. Most cars start to stall in six inches of water. It is very dangerous to get trapped in a car during flooding. You can get carried away in the current and washed away to deeper waters.

Basic utilities like electricity and tap water services may be cut off during flooding disasters to prevent other accidents like electrocution and disease from happening as a result of sewage overflow.
Part of your disaster preparedness program is to provide

enough drinking water and lighting provisions like LED lamps, candles, and matches to last a minimum of 72 hours after the danger has passed.

Back pain treatment at home

Nothing can make you feel old vulnerable more quickly than a seemingly and out-of-the-blue bad back. And if you know the feeling, it's...