Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Flood:An unexpected disaster

Flooding is something that every country in the world is familiar with. This is why basic flood survival should be known by everyone. Indeed, it has been a problem that we keep on seeing close to us, or in some far off place. We see a lot of news on flooding disasters that have claimed lives and property. Due to the hydrological cycle, we can't seem to get rid of all of the water as it is being recycled through rain, evaporation, and storms.

That doesn't mean we just have to succumb to the disaster. Ironically, flooding is one of the disasters that are easiest to manage, given a proper disaster preparedness program.

Floods can be classified into two categories; the regular flood from sustained rainfall over long periods of time and the flash flood. The regular flood is what we normally encounter. It happens
when heavy rains run for a long duration. The excess water that cannot be readily accommodated by the soil or storm drains causes the flooding. It steadily rises until it reaches disaster levels.

The second type of flood, the flash flood is more dangerous than regular floods. The fast rate at which the water level rises leaves people no time for safety measures. Some flash floods could happen in just minutes, catching people off guard. Flash floods happen in typhoons bearing heavy rains. During these times, it is advisable to

always have at least one member of the family awake and monitor the water level during the night. You can always catch up on sleep later. Flash floods have been reputed to reach areas where no flooding has ever happened.

Safety Measures During Floods

Minor flooding can be a nuisance. It destroys property and the cleanup process is extremely tiresome. Major floods are disastrous. They can claim lives and cause immense damage to property. If you are planning to buy a house or relocate to a new neighborhood, it would be prudent to ask around the area about their flooding experiences.

As much as possible, stay away from areas they have been flooded before. It doesn't matter if the last flood occurred five or ten years ago, the fact that it has been flooded before indicates that it can be flooded again. The flooding indicates its low geographical topography and it's only a matter of time before another flooding occurs.

Unless there have been significant preventive measures implemented to prevent flash floods as well as regular flooding, you cannot safely conclude that flooding won't occur in the neighborhood again.

If you are living in a multi-story house, move important items like documents and fragile personal effects to the upper floors during heavy rains and storms. If possible, move all non-washable items like sofas and mattresses off the first floor.

Avoid driving through a flooded area. Most cars start to stall in six inches of water. It is very dangerous to get trapped in a car during flooding. You can get carried away in the current and washed away to deeper waters.

Basic utilities like electricity and tap water services may be cut off during flooding disasters to prevent other accidents like electrocution and disease from happening as a result of sewage overflow.
Part of your disaster preparedness program is to provide

enough drinking water and lighting provisions like LED lamps, candles, and matches to last a minimum of 72 hours after the danger has passed.

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